obesity medicine APPOINTMENTS

Personalized VISITS for healthy, sustainable, evidence-based weight loss 


Dr. Kabir Harricharan Singh, MD, FAAFP, DABOM practices family medicine and obesity medicine in Newport, Tennessee with Healthstar Premier Medical West. He’s currently one of a small handful of East Tennessee physicians with board-certification in obesity medicine (and the only one in Cocke County, TN). He’s proud to offer evidence-based obesity medicine and weight loss services in Newport, TN! 

Medically-supervised weight loss appointments with Dr. Kabir are available for people ages 12 years old and up.

Most insurance plans are accepted. Please check with your insurance and our office to make sure you have coverage and can be accepted as an obesity medicine patient at our office.

Dr. Kabir Harricharan Singh, an obesity medicine doctor, is sitting on a rock in the woods; he's smiling at the camera in a friendly, approachable way.

contact + location

Healthstar Premier Medical West
994 W. Hwy 25-70 Ste. 4
Newport, TN 37821

(423) 237-6964
Option 2


what to expect:

  • Obesity medicine specialists conduct a thorough evaluation to understand the underlying factors contributing to your weight gain. We take into account your medical history, lifestyle, and any metabolic or hormonal imbalances that may be impacting your ability to lose weight. This comprehensive assessment allows us to develop a targeted an individualized treatment plan that addresses root causes of your weight struggles.

  • An obesity medicine specialist will create a personalized treatment plan based on your unique needs and goals. We utilize evidence-based strategies that go beyond simply focusing on calorie restriction. By considering factors such as behavior modification, nutritional counseling, physical activity recommendations, and potential medication and/or surgical options, we design a holistic approach that optimizes your chances of successful weight loss.

  • Obesity is often associated with various medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and heart disease. Obesity medicine specialists are trained to manage these conditions in conjunction with weight loss efforts. By addressing both weight-related health issues and their underlying causes, we can help you achieve better overall health outcomes.

  • In some cases, lifestyle modifications alone may not be sufficient to achieve significant weight loss. Obesity medicine specialists are well-versed in the safe and appropriate use of medications approved for weight management. We can prescribe and monitor medications that may help curb appetite, reduce cravings, or improve metabolic function. These medications, when used in combination with lifestyle changes, can provide an additional tool to support your weight loss journey.

  • Weight loss is not solely about diet and exercise; it also involves addressing the behavioral and psychological aspects of your relationship with food and yourself. Obesity medicine specialists understand the complexities of emotional eating, food addiction, and other behavioral patterns that can hinder weight loss efforts. We offer valuable counseling and support to help you develop healthier habits, cope with triggers, and maintain long-term success.

  • Sustainable weight loss is a journey that requires ongoing support and monitoring. An obesity medicine specialist will provide regular follow-up visits to track your progress, make necessary adjustments to your treatment plan, and offer guidance and motivation along the way. This long-term approach ensures that you receive continuous support even after achieving your initial weight loss goals.

  • As obesity research advances, new therapies and interventions become available. Obesity medicine specialists stay at the forefront of these advancements, allowing you access to the latest and most effective treatments. From surgical interventions to emerging medications and non-invasive procedures, we can guide you through the options that may be appropriate for your unique situation.




  • Behavioral Modifications


    *When appropriate. Medication will only be prescribed for in-person appointments, when appropriate.

the process

Initial Visit

You and Dr. Kabir will review your medical, diet, and nutrition history and previous weight loss attempts. During that visit, you’ll explore any underlying, reversible causes of obesity and then work together to craft a personalized weight loss plan using a multi-pronged approach that fits your life, values, and goals. After the visit, you’ll go home with some homework to help with the deep work needed to improve your health.

Follow-up visits

Time between visits will vary depending on the intensity of the treatment plan and the severity of illness(es). During these visits, we review and adjust nutrition, physical activity plans, and medications, and we continue with different behavioral exercises to work on cognitive restructuring. Based on a person’s progress, values, and goals, the regimen is either intensified or reduced. Body composition scans with a DEXA machine are offered to assess the percentage of muscle, fat, and bone. This scan also tells us where the fat is located, which is important since fat around organs is harmful to our metabolic health. During these visits, medications for other chronic medical issues are adjusted based on how weight loss affects those issues. This continues until a person enters the maintenance phase.

Maintenance visits

Once a person enters the maintenance phase of weight loss, the focus shifts from actively losing weight to maintaining progress in all the components of health gain. Times between visits vary but they’re more spread out compared to appointments in the active weight loss phase. This phase is very important since this is a lifelong process. During this phase, obstacles and setbacks are managed early, before they lead to relapses, which means the intensity of treatment can change.

Special Notes:

  1. Metabolic (bariatric) surgery: If you’re ready for surgery at any point, we will work together to get you ready for surgery and resume care and weight loss management after surgery. All this is done in a coordinated way with the surgical team so that we make sure you have the best outcomes possible.

  2. Since this is a lifelong journey, it’s important to remember that our care plan can change and will adjust as your life changes! With that, don’t ever feel embarrassed to return sooner if your situation changes. 

The benefits of weight loss go beyond looking a certain way or fitting into a certain size of clothing. Losing weight should first be about preventing or managing complications associated with obesity and overweight, as well as gaining health and improving your:

  • Overall health (which could lead to needing less medications for other diseases)

  • Metabolic health

  • Quality of life (e.g. meeting goals, playing with YOUR kids/grandkids, sleeping better, etc.)

  • GYN issues (hormone imbalances, PCOS, fertility, and more)

  • Low testosterone levels

  • Cardiovascular health 

  • Post bariatric surgery care

  • Relationship with yourself, others, and food

  • Energy, confidence, mental wellness

  • and more!

“Obesity is the second most common preventable cause of cancer and may soon overtake cigarette smoking as the most common preventable cause of cancer.”

There are currently 13 different types of cancer associated with obesity and over 200 complications that arise from the diseases of obesity and overweight.

Obesity Medicine Association

Dr. Kabir Harricharan Singh, a weight loss doctor, is pointing and looking up at an important quote about obesity and overweight.

OBESITY MEDICINE IS More than weight loss –it’s ABOUT health beyond the scale 

Weight loss can be a major component of meeting certain health goals that are discussed with your physician. 

Whether you need or want to lose 10 or 100+ pounds to help reach your health goal(s), the practice of obesity medicine is to help you achieve safe, effective, and long-lasting weight loss results to gain health beyond the scale.

Health beyond the scale is a different way of thinking about your health and weight loss journey. It’s based on the idea that the numbers on the scale don’t tell you how healthy you are, and it embraces the concept that people can be healthy at different weights. This helps set us up to celebrate health achievements that aren’t defined by the numbers on the scale (aka non-scale victories)…these weight loss victories may instead be measured by lowered blood pressure, lowered cholesterol, or even just feeling more energy to enjoy life.

A woman faces the mountains and raises her arms up in triumph, as if she's succeeded at weight loss or other health goals.
Dr. Kabir Harricharan Singh is an obesity medicine physician who has also struggled with obesity and weight loss. He's compassionately smiling at the camera while sitting on a rock in the woods.

Losing weight is hard. I know, I’ve personally tried (many times). Here’s the thing, though…you aren’t broken and, the truth is, obesity and overweight are more complex than people know, and a lot of people overlook the key roles our biology, environment, and behavior play.

Using evidence-based information, I want to help you understand some of the known causes of obesity and overweight, plus implement sustainable treatment and management strategies for them. This way, you can understand what you’re doing and why, have long-lasting results, meet your personal goals, and become a happier, healthier you!

It’s time to invest in yourself. There is hope. You can lose weight for good.


  • Using evidence-based strategies for weight loss, Dr. Kabir Harricharan Singh compassionately works with you to develop and implement a comprehensive and personalized weight loss strategy that’s uniquely tailored to your health, weight loss goals, and values by focusing on:

    1. Diet and nutrition

    2. Physical activity

    3. Behavioral modifications

    4. Weight loss medications and appetite suppressants, if and when appropriate

    5. Surgical interventions, such as metabolic and bariatric surgery, if and when appropriate

    6. Obesity-associated chronic diseases

    7. Underlying, reversible causes of weight gain

    Patients who have weight loss appointments with Dr. Kabir are guided to create a sustainable, long-term health and weight loss plan, rather than solely treating symptoms and hyper-focusing on the numbers on the scale.

  • When it comes to weight loss, there isn’t one perfect diet, exercise plan, or strategy. Everyone’s weight loss journey is different, which means every weight loss plan needs to be a little different from the next person’s. However, there are common themes that run through Dr. Kabir’s weight loss appointments, including following and teaching weight loss strategies that are:

    • Evidence-based (uses credible information based on ongoing research to provide the most effective practices given the best available evidence).

    • Effective (they work and there’s data to back it up).

    • Comprehensive (targets multiple areas of health and well-being).

    • Compassionate (there are no guilt trips here).

    • Sustainable (something you can maintain and turn into new life-long habits).

    • Personalized* (targeted for your specific health, values, and goals)

    *This is for in-person Tennessee patients only. However, if you’re not an in-person patient, you can learn more about this concept and more in my education center.

  • The reason why you want to lose weight is completely up to you, but from a medical standpoint, losing weight offers a variety of medical benefits that can improve a person’s health, including preventing or managing over 200 complications and 13 cancers associated with obesity and overweight. (Sources: The Obesity Medicine Association and The Obesity Society.)

  • When it comes to creating a nutrition plan and/or dietary change for weight loss, studies have shown that it doesn’t matter if your diet is low-carb, low-fat, vegetarian, or vegan, to name a few, because the macronutrient (carbohydrate, fat, protein) makeup of our food isn’t essential for weight loss. The type of diet you choose is more important if you’re using it for non-weight loss health benefits, such as heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. In those cases, a specific diet may be beneficial for managing those chronic diseases and weight loss.

    So, unless you have another health concern to consider, there isn’t one best diet or nutrition plan for weight loss. However, we’ll talk about important diet and nutrition strategies for weight loss and general health in appointments.

  • Seeing an obesity medicine physician for weight loss is like seeing a cardiologist for issues with the heart and vascular system. There are heart and vascular things your primary care doctor can manage, but there will be times they need to refer you to see a cardiologist because they have a much deeper knowledge of that system of the body. Obesity medicine physicians specialize in weight loss, dysfunction of the adipocytes (fat cells), and the disease of obesity.

    The major differences between seeing a board-certified obesity medicine physician and someone else are that with an obesity medicine physician, you’ll receive:

    1. Specialized knowledge. Board-certified obesity medicine physicians, like Kabir Harricharan Singh, MD, FAAFP, DABOM have undergone additional – and extensive – medical training and testing in the evaluation, management, and treatment of obesity and overweight through the American Board of Obesity Medicine. This creates a deep knowledge of the complex disease of obesity to properly and compassionately address the root(s) of the problem(s) and to help people lose weight and improve health in ways that are effective, sustainable, long-lasting, and backed by evidence. This can include guidance in diet and nutrition, physical activity, behavioral modifications, weight loss medications*, and surgical interventions.* *When appropriate.

    2. Physician-monitored weight loss. Dr. Kabir works with you throughout your entire weight loss journey (excluding doing surgical procedures, but he does help after the surgery). As a practicing family medicine and obesity medicine physician, Dr. Kabir is uniquely qualified to understand a person’s medical history and obesity-related complications alongside which weight loss strategies, medicines, and procedures are effective and ideal for their situation. Physician-monitored weight loss with an obesity medicine physician is also ideal for people with certain chronic health problems that need to be evaluated and monitored by a physician before starting and during any new diets or workout routines and in the pre- & post-bariatric surgery phase.

    3. Dedicated time. Obesity medicine appointments are dedicated to helping patients address and effectively manage the specific complexities of obesity and overweight, including how they affect other areas of life and health. The disease of obesity is complex, and having a doctor trained in this disease helps achieve better outcomes.

  • One way to tell if your doctor is board-certified is by looking for the letters DABOM or Dipl. ABOM after their name. However, not every board-certified physician has those letters after their name. So, you can go to www.abom.org to find a physician or verify credentials.

  • Our office accepts most insurances, but we recommend contacting our office to ensure we’re in-network. If you don’t have insurance, reach out to our office at 423-237-6964 (select option 2) for further information.

  • Yes! Dr. Kabir offers weight loss appointments for patients aged 12 and older.

  • Yes! Dr. Kabir happily offers Telehealth visits and appointments for weight loss and primary care. Reach out to our office at 423-237-6964, option 2, for more information and so we can ensure we’re in compliance with state laws.

  • Dr. Kabir prescribes all the FDA-approved anti-obesity medications (AOM) like Qsymia (phentermine-topiramate), Contrave (naltrexone-buproprion), Saxenda (liraglutide), Wegovy (semaglutide), Phentermine, and Xenical (orlistat). As more medications get approval, this list will change, but Dr. Kabir only uses medications that have good, evidence-based data that supports their effectiveness and safety.


  • Dr. Kabir Harricharan Singh, MD is gesturing with his hands, as if teaching about online weight loss education.


    Support your health and weight loss journey by learning more about healthy, sustainable, and evidence-based weight loss and health beyond the scale. This is general educational information, not medical advice. This educational information does not substitute personalized care with your health care provider.

  • Dr. Kabir Harricharan Singh is a board-certified physician offering weight loss appointments in East Tennessee. In this photo, his backdrop is the Smoky Mountains and he's smiling and looking down at his white coat.


    Choosing to see an obesity medicine specialist can be a game-changer in your weight loss journey. With his expertise, personalized approach, and comprehensive care, Dr. Kabir is uniquely qualified to address the complexities of obesity and help you achieve long-term weight loss success. Schedule an in-person obesity medicine or family medicine appointment with Dr. Kabir Harricharan Singh, MD, FAAFP, DABOM. Appointments are in Newport, TN. Most forms of insurance are accepted.