Health Beyond the Scale

Non-Scale Victories and Health Beyond the Scale

There will be times along your weight loss journey in which the numbers on the scale don’t move in the direction you want OR they won’t change as fast as you’d like, but that’s ok, because the numbers on the scale aren’t the only markers of success on your weight loss journey!

 If you’ve ever used a scale, you’ve likely noticed that your weight can fluctuate by about 1-2% throughout the day – that’s because there are many factors that affect those numbers on the scale. 

That’s why it’s important to focus on successes you can’t measure with a scale – things I call “non-scale victories” – because these wins allow you to focus on the most important part of your weight loss journey…and that’s gaining health…beyond the scale

Health beyond the scale is a different way of thinking about a weight loss journey that’s based on the idea that the numbers on the scale (or on clothing) don’t tell the whole story about your health, and it embraces the concept that people can be healthy at different weights. It emphasizes that you’re more than just a set of numbers, and it helps you focus on the many important successes you might be having during a weight loss and health journey without ever looking at a scale.

Here are some examples of non-scale victories that should be celebrated on your health and weight loss journey:

  • Having more energy.

  • Sleeping better.

  • Clothing that starts to fit better because you’re losing inches in your waist.

  • Being able to reach things or areas you couldn’t before.

  • Doing more things you love, like playing with your kids or grandkids, walking your dog, dancing, or even hiking to a secret swimming hole.

  • Your labs and medical markers getting better, and possibly having your healthcare provider stop some of the medications you take.

  • Increasing your strength and muscle mass. 

  • Decreasing the negative hormonal effects of the fat cells (adipocytes), thereby decreasing your chances of getting any of the over 200 health issues associated with obesity…including 13 different types of cancer. Right now, obesity is the #2 preventable cause of cancer, right behind smoking.

  • Improving your relationship with food and yourself...just to name a few.

Focusing on non-scale victories is what obesity medicine with Dr. Kabir Harricharan Singh is truly about…not the numbers on the scale. If you allow your mind to focus on achieving health beyond the scale it makes non-scale victories more meaningful, impactful, and rewarding – while removing unnecessary pressure from the scale because ain’t nobody got time for that!

Homework time! Make sure to pay attention to the non-scale victories in your weight loss journey so you notice progress even when the scale doesn’t move in your favor. By doing this, it also helps you train your brain to start focusing on the many positive wins you have instead of any negatives!!!


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